
Children learn through play, through taking things apart and putting them back together.  The challenge with teaching children technology is to create accessibility and maintain engagement.

Let's start with engagement.  Most of us know that understanding comes from doing.  At MathSciTech, we believe that doing genuinely interesting things is the best way to engage young learners.  (Quite frankly, it's the best way to engage anyone!)

To make the interesting things accessible, we have developed platforms to bring learners rapidly along the journey and parachute them into the exciting bits.  As their skills grow, they are able to build the platforms themselves, completing the learn & build cycle, and providing the deep satisfaction that leads to long-term change in perception. 

What perceptions are we trying to shift?  Positive perception of their own capabilities (self-image) and of their ability to take a creative place within a technology-based future (empowerment).

Check out this video of a young learner trouble-shooting the wiring connections to our wood-mounted Learning Board for the programmable digital piano.

Young learner (8yrs) trouble-shooting the wiring connections to our wood-mounted Learning Board for the microcontroller-based digital piano.  (Our older students design, assemble, and programme the digital piano.)  CLICK to watch the video.

Our discovery-based classes take children on a journey of collaborative discovery through the core elements of modern technology: electronics, sensors, and computing.

In the process, children develop their self-confidence, their ability to persevere, strengthen their communication skills, improve their dexterity with objects, and experience the delight of accomplishment

These physical, social, and emotional skills are part of developing a growth mindset that will serve them well throughout their years in school.

Young children will always surprise us with their ability to achieve, when given the chance!

Join our classes!

Term-friendly times (after school) during the academic year

Intensive programmes & lab experiences over half-term & summer breaks

Private classes for 4-6 friends.

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October 5, 2024 • 7:19AM


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