Jasmine Sheherazade Ebrahim
Welcome to my webpage!
I’ve got a new blog which is called, ‘My Favourite Things.’ It’s all about the things that I enjoy like drama, creative writing etc. It’s interactive with quizzes, GIF’s and more. Click here to find the link. I hope you like it and if you do, please like and subscribe and feel free to comment. Thank you so much!
Bye! 😉
Jasmine E.
Hi everyone! These are my follow-on stories after Ache! (PDF), a play which I wrote in October 2022. I’m really enjoying adding onto the original story as the characters develop and change completely! Enjoy!
- Ache! The Original Musical of Livia Bell (PDF)
- Livia’s Life – Season 1
- Livia’s Halloween
- Livia’s Life – Season 2
- Livia’s Christmas
- Livia and the Charming Family
- Livia All Alone
- Livia and the Baby
- Livia in Year 7
- Livia in Kingston High
Here are some Drama Resources for youth interested in going further in acting:
- Scenes for Teens (Online PDF)
- 26 Monologues for Kids
- Great Theatrical Dialoges for Youth (a search result)
Here’s a play/musical that I’ve written called “Ache!”, a story about a young girl called Livia whose soul chooses to be born into a big raucous family. The play is about how her three guiding spirits help here overcome her chaotic past. Enjoy! (Leave any comments below!)
Ache! by Jasmine Sheherazade Ebrahim (PDF)
Here’s “Jorvik” (the Viking name for York!). Inspired by the Bayeaux tapestry, I’ve written a short history of how William the Conqueror conquered England!
Hi! I’m Jasmine, but I’m now 10! I am super excited to show you my blog. I set it up at school and I am really enjoying it. I hope you like it as much as I do! Please feel free to comment. At least once a week I add new posts. Thank you! Bye. 🙂 Share and follow!
HERE YOU CAN READ MY BLOG! This link sends you to my blog page! 🙂
Making Animated Movies from Stills
Oct 19th, 2019
Hi, my name is Jasmine, and I’m 7 years old. Today I made two animated movies, The Basket (1m 18s long) and Snowbell’s Accident (2m 23s long) (Nov 2nd, new with audio!) Enjoy!
I made these by taking still photographs of the action with my dad’s iPhone and then recording an audio soundtrack for Snowbell’s Accident. My dad then assembled the stills into an animation and added the soundtrack (see here for how). I’m working to add music to it — check again soon!)
Snowbell’s Accident 2m 23s long)(Nov 2nd, new with audio!)
Snowbell the cat has a terrible accident. Will her family be able to act quickly enough to save her?

Animation (2m 23s long) made from stills assembled into an sequence playing at 1 frame per second.
The Basket (1m 18s long) (silent film)
The Pets find a cozy basket. But amidst all the hustle and bustle, will anyone be able to take a nap?
Great job, Jasmine! I love it!
Hi Jasmine, I’m enjoying reading your school blog! Way to go!
Here’s some material you may enjoy…
50 advices on writing by Stephen King…
What I learned from my first paid writing job, by Stephen King…
20 Rules for Writers, by Stephen King…
I came across the first article a long time ago in a library in Nairobi. Re-reading, it’s still as relevant now. Enjoy! 🙂