If you haven’t done so already, you may want to start by reading the Preface to the Computing Series: Software as a Force Multiplier, Sections 1-3.
Maxima: a Computer Algebra System (CAS) for symbolic computation
Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 (fixed links). Nov 11, 2022 (added omega-math’s excellent web interface, and generating function calculation of the partition of integers problem).
Maxima is a computer algebra system (CAS) for symbolic computation that is free, open source, runs on multiple operating systems (Win,Mac,Linux), and covers a wide range of mathematical capabilities and graphical capabilities. These include algebraic simplification, polynomials, methods from calculus, matrix equations, differential equations, number theory, combinatorics, hypergeometric functions, tensors, gravitational physics, PDEs, nonlinear systems, plus including 2-D/3-D plotting and animation. With a large and responsive user community, there is plenty of help to get up the learning curve, and with its active developer base, Maxima and its ecosystem continue to gain capability, including a fantastic web interface by Omega-Math/Vroom-Labs (see the screenshot below, r0*0). The result is a free, versatile, powerful mathematical computing package for engineers, scientists, mathematicians, programmers, and students. This article will help you get started with Maxima and set you up with resources to flatten the learning curve.

Omega-Math’s web interface to Maxima. Used here to calculate the first 10 elements of p(n), the number of ways to partition integer n, using a generating function comprising a truncated series of polynomials up to degree n=10
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