Building a 13-key analog piano from only resistors, capacitors, and transistors

Building a fully analog electronic piano using only resistors, capacitors, and transistors, is an insightful experiment in electronic sound generation from first principles. I designed and built a 13-key analog piano in early 2019 using discrete through-hole components on a breadboard powered off a 9V DC battery. The design creates 13 astable multivibrator oscillator circuits, each able to be tuned to a given note frequency in the C5 to C6 range. The outputs of the oscillators are collected (mixed) to create a polyphonic analog audio signal that is amplified and run through an 8-ohm speaker. The device fits into an 11x25cm footprint. Check out how it sounds! (To hear the explanation of how it works, start at the beginning.)

Feb 9th, 2019, Design V1

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A Radar Tracking Approach to Data Mining

(Statistics and Data Mining II)

Automated decision problems are frequently encountered in statistical data processing and data mining. An heuristic filter or heuristic classifier typically has a limited set of input data from which to arrive at a set of conclusions and make a decision: REJECT, ACCEPT, or UNDETERMINED. In such cases, pre-processing the input data before applying the heuristic classifier can substantially enhance the performance of the decision system.

In this article, I’ll motivate the use of a radar-tracking algorithm to improve the performance of automated decision making and statistical estimation in data processing. I will illustrate using the website visitation statistics problem.

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