Abstract This brief note explores the use of fuzzy classifiers, with membership functions chosen using a statistical heuristic (quantile statistics), to monitor time-series metrics. The time series can arise from environmental measurements, industrial process control data, or sensor system outputs. We demonstrate implementation using the R language on an example dataset (ozone levels in New York City). Click here to skip straight to the coded solution), or read on for the discussion. ![]() Fuzzy classification into 5 classes using p10 and p90 levels to achieve an 80-20 rule in the outermost classes and graded class membership in the inner three classes. Comparison with crisp classifier using the same 80-20 rule is shown in the bottom panel of the figure. Before domain-specific languages (DSLs) and REPL environments (read, execute, print, loop) became fashionable, computing pioneer Charles (Chuck) Moore had built, by 1968, what he viewed as the perfect computer programming language, which he named FORTH (for fourth generation language). What he had kept in view during its creation was an extreme austerity in syntax and structure as he searched for the minimalist system required to interact with a computer and be able to write custom problem-oriented languages to solve them. This approach is what he considered to be “programming”: you solve your problem by developing an application specific language with multiple levels of abstraction giving you in the end a small dictionary of simple words (in code) which represents the solution cleanly and in overall the fewest lines of code. Let’s look at this idea, how it has worked out over the years, and how you can apply this, regardless of the language you choose to (or have to) work with. This article looks at Forth, Lisp & Ruby, language that make it easy to solve classes of problems by writing your own DSL, i.e. by programming a specific “problem-oriented language” in which to solve your problem. Hi, my name is Jasmine, and I’m 7 years old. Today I made two animated movies, The Basket (1m 18s long) and Snowbell’s Accident (2m 23s long) (Nov 2nd, new with audio!) Enjoy! I made these by taking still photographs of the action with my dad’s iPhone and then recording an audio soundtrack (for the second animation). My dad then assembled the stills into an animation and layered on the soundtrack (see below for how). I’m working to add music to it — check again soon! The Basket (1m 18s long) (silent film) If you haven’t done so already, you may want to start by reading the Preface to the Computing Series: Software as a Force Multiplier, Sections 1-3. “Everything” you need for ultra-fast desktop search1. Everything(tm) is an ultra-fast desktop search utility that can scan through hundreds of thousands of files in milliseconds using a pre-built and real-time updated index.“Everything” brings order to information growing at scale (documents, photographs, source code, spreadsheets, etc.), and tames the problem of proliferating folder trees. ![]() Everything is a fast desktop search utility that can index 1 million files in less than 1 minute, and generate search queries in milliseconds. We’ve all been in the scenario of searching through electronic documents for a document you know you prepared three, maybe four weeks prior… maybe it was longer… and now you can’t remember where you saved it… or in what format: was it a quickly written text file, a word document, a few paragraphs within One Note, on a desktop post-it note, or did you email yourself from your phone?… After trying different Windows searches in various recently used folders and looking through Word, Excel, and PDF files, and trying to remember possible filenames to search for, at some point you prepare mentally for the moment when you will give up the search and attempt to redo the missing work, salvaging as much of it as you can remember. The general problem of wasted effort locating information we know we have, occurs more often than we’d like to admit. With “Everything“, it can be better. If you haven’t done so already, you may want to start by reading the Preface to the Computing Series: Software as a Force Multiplier, Sections 1-3. 1. Notepad++: a programmable, extensible, feature-rich text editorNotePad++ (NPP) is an open-source programmer’s text editor with outstanding built-in features that can be further enhanced with powerful plugins and extensively customized with your own configurations. NPPs features include syntax highlighting for a large collection of programming languages, code folding, recordable macros, cloned views, selectable shortcuts, tabbed documents, and a host of other capabilities. This article describes a few of the dozens of capabilities. It also shares a pre-configured Notepad++ package that I use (20.0MB compressed, 50.0MB uncompressed, download here), which contains the configurations and capabilities I use. The file is portable and self-contained: just unpack NPP to your drive (in a separate folder to your current running instance) and run notepad++.exe from there.1 ![]() Notepad++, by Don Ho, multi-view with syntax highlghting Continue reading this article…
If you haven’t done so already, you may want to start by reading the Preface to the Computing Series: Software as a Force Multiplier, Sections 1-3. 1. Total Commander: a programmable, extensible, feature-rich two-panel orthodox file managerTotal Commander (TC) is more than just a two-panel orthodox file manager for Windows. It is a swiss army knife of computing utilities and is the first piece of software that I install on any Windows computer on which I’m working.1 Total Commander, used well, is a force multiplier.
I’ve been using TC continuously since 2001. Over the years, I’ve put together a Total Commander Expansion Pack (lite and full) for the TC platform that conforms to the tenets and further extends TC platform’s capabilities with tools I have found valuable. Both are pre-configured downloads to allow unpack and start using with minimum fuss (I use them when switching computers). Feel free to download and give them a try. Feedback or questions welcomed in the comments. ![]() Total Commander Expansion Pack Winter 2024 – Toolbar View with Integrated Applications, Download from link. Continue reading this article…
© 2009-2025 Assad Ebrahim To contact me on email, use: assadebrahim2000 at gmail dot com (do the obvious) |